I was pleased to participate in the 2024 San Marcos/Martindale Studio Tour. My studio in San Marcos, Texas was open to visitors for the afternoon over the weekend in early April. Over 20 visitors stopped by, discussed my art process and purchased sketches or completed works. At least one visitor was a gallery coordinator at a regional hospital who offered me a solo show in 2025 to feature my "Groundwork" silk banner series.
You can find out more about the annual San Marcos/Martindale studio tour by visiting the Mothership website at www.mothershipstudiostx.com. This year there were more than 50 private artist studios and more than 20 galleries or group exhibitions featured in the tour. I am looking forward to next years tour and would like to give a big thank you to my supportive family and friends who put up with the flurry of work, both artistic and mundane, required to participate in an event of this type.